Recent Publications:
Italics indicates graduate students, * plus italics indicate students for whom I am the primary advisor, †contact author/senior author
Italics indicates graduate students, * plus italics indicate students for whom I am the primary advisor, †contact author/senior author
- Petit Bon, M.*, K.H. Beard, K. A. Bråthen, H. Lee, R. Klöfkorn, and I.S. Jónsdóttir. Goose grubbing and warming suppress summer ecosystem CO2 uptake differentially across high-Arctic tundra habitats. Ecology. 106(1):34498. doi: 10.1002/ecy.4498
- Petit Bon, M.*, A.J. Leffler, K.C. Kelsey, T.J. Williams*, K.H. Beard. 2024. Projected near-future flooding and warming increase graminoid and plant-community biomass in high-latitude coastal wetland. Journal of Ecology. 112(12): 2715-2730. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.14418. Selected as Editor’s Choice.
- DoNascimento, L.A., C. Perz-Granados, J.B Rodrigues Alencar, and K.H. Beard†. Time and habitat structure shape insect acoustic activity in the Amazon. Invited: Special Issue: Towards a global toolkit for insect biodiversity monitoring. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 379: 20230112. 10.1098/rstb.2023.0112
- Sun, W., B. Shi, M. Delgado-Baquerizo, A.K. Knapp, M.D. Smith, S.C. Reed, B. Osborne, Y. Carrillo, F.T. Maestre, Y. Zhu, A. Chen, K. Wilkins, M.C. Holdrege*, A. Kulmatiski, C. Pinon-Cochard, C. Roscher, K. Otfinowski Y. Hautier, H. Shen, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, C. Wang, D.F. Cusack, A. Patraglia, M. Carbognani, T. Byrne, S.A. Power, A. Churchill, A. Jentsch, H. Hugh, K.H. Beard, M. Schuchardt, N. Eisenahuer, R. Forte, S.L. Flory, P. Hou, T. Zhang, W. Gao. Aridity drives the response of soil total and particulate organic carbon to drought in temperate grasslands and shrublands. Science Advances. 10(40): doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adq2654.
- Marchetti, J.R.*, S.S. French, E.E. Virgin, E.L. Lewis, K.C. Ki, L.O. Sermersheim, G.A. Brusch IV, and K.H. Beard. 2023. Invading nonnative frogs use different microhabitats and change physiology along an elevation gradient. Journal of Experimental Zoology-A. 341(1): 73-85. doi: 10.1002/jez.276.
- Wilkins, K., M.D. Smith, M. Holdrege, S.L. Collins, A. Knapp et al. Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (4), e2309881120.
- Kulmatiski, A., M.C. Holdrege, C. Chirvasa, and K.H. Beard. 2023. Root distributions predict shrub-steppe responses to precipitation intensity. Biogeosciences Discussion. 21 (1), 131–143 Invited Submission, Special Issue: Ecosystem experiments as a window to future carbon, water, and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. doi: 10.5194/bg-2023-13
- Petit Bon, M.*, B.B. Hansen, M.J.J.E. Loonen, A. Petraglia, K. A. Bråthen, H. Bohner, K. Layton-Matthews, K.H. Beard, M. Le Moullec, I.S. Jónsdóttir, and R. van der Wal. Long-term herbivore removal experiments reveal how geese and reindeer shape vegetation and ecosystem CO2-fluxes in high-Arctic tundra. Journal of Ecology. 111 (12), 2627-2642. doi: 10.1101/2023.01.27.525821
- Saunders, T.,* J. Adkins, K.H. Beard, T.B. Atwood, B.G. Waring. Herbivores influence biogeochemical processes by altering litter quality and quantity in a subarctic wetland Biogeochemistry 166 (2), 67-85
- Marchetti, J.R.*, K.H. Beard, E.E. Virgin, E.L. Lewis, S.C. Hess, K.C. Ki, L.O. Sermersheim, A.P Furtado, and S.S. French. 2023. Invasive frogs show persistent physiological differences to elevation and acclimate to colder temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology. 114: 103590. doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2023.103590
- Beard, K.H., K.C. Kelsey, R.T. Choi*, J.M. Welker, A.J. Leffler. 2023. Goose feces effects on subarctic soil nitrogen availability and greenhouse gas fluxes. Ecosystems. 26(1):187-200. doi:10.1007/s10021-022-00752-x
- Lacerda, J.V.A., C. Zocca, E.G. Cafofo, A.P. De Araujo, K.H. Beard, L.F. Toledo, R.B. Ferreira. Plant-borne vibration is related to the vocal repertoire of an Atlantic Forest marsupial frog: vocalization of Frtiziana tonimi (Amphibia: Hemiphractidae). Salamandra. 59(3):275-283.
- Holdrege, M., K. Palmquist, K.H. Beard, and A. Kulmatiski. 2023. Precipitation intensification increases shrub growth in arid, not mesic, systems. Ecosystems. 26(3):568-584. doi: 10.1007/s10021-022-00778-1